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Process Safety breakfast briefings

Process Safety breakfast briefings

Navigating today's top process safety challenges.

What are the top process safety challenges facing industry today? Our 3rd annual Process Safety Breakfast Briefings aimed to address these challenges.

Under the topic 'Emerging frontiers in Process Safety', we explored the latest advancements in the industry. Our experts identified some key takeaways: 
  1. Insurance providers value management’s commitment beyond compliance and well-maintained plants 
  2. Pressure Relief System Design is crucial as the 'last line of defense' 
  3. New refrigerant regulations favour natural substances. However, these require careful design for toxicity and flammability 
  4. Although LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) has environmental benefits over diesel, it poses greater offsite, major accident hazards 
  5. Process safety still lacks a focus on biohazards (e.g., COVID-19) as a major accident hazard. Whilst Switzerland covers biological hazards in their Major Accident Ordinance, is it time the rest of the world follows suit?  
PM Group's process safety experts were joined by Jorge Hidalgo, a leading insurance expert from FM. Jorge shared valuable insights on attracting insurance providers through robust process safety practices. 

It was a great opportunity to stay ahead in the field of process safety and network with industry leaders. 

If you would like to discuss any of the topics above or your own Process Safety needs, go to our website: Process Safety Services