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Technologically advanced disposable lens manufacturing facility

Technologically advanced disposable lens manufacturing facility

An innovative, high-quality contact lens manufacturing facility.


J&J Vision Care


40,000 sqm

About this facility

J&J Vision Care Ireland manufactures high volumes of disposable contact lens for delivery to markets worldwide at it's highly automated manufacturing facility in Limerick. 

From an initial size of 28,500 sqm, the Limerick plant now comprises over 40,000 sqm. There is a strong focus on consistent quality and product innovation in an environmentally friendly, healthy and safe manufacturing environment.

Partnership approach

The appointment of PM Group in 1994 to design and manage the delivery of this technologically advanced manufacturing plant marked the beginning of a successful client relationship that has grown from strength to strength.  

PM Group's scope of services in the development of this complex has included site selection services, master-planning, basic and detailed design, permitting, construction and commissioning qualification verification support. 

Dermot Donnelly
Dermot Donnelly background

“The understanding and knowledge accumulated in over decades of working together on expansion and continuous improvement projects brings speed, certainty and agility to project delivery.”

Dermot Donnelly

Sector Director, Medtech

Continuous improvement

Since the facility opened in 1996, there has been continuous project activity with services delivered by our multidisciplinary team based. A sample of the projects completed include:

  • Sterile solution facility including bottle filling, formulation area and dispensary   
  • Thermal oxidiser including solvent handling, vent collection, RTO and carbon bed abatement system   
  • Phased addition of production lines including clean room, clean utility and service expansions.    
  • PG tank farm    
  • Laboratory upgrades    
  • Services upgrades to water, gas, energy and IT systems.  

Our services

PM Group's scope of services typically includes project scoping, basic and detailed design, permitting, construction support, project management and controlling.

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