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Congratulations to our UK team, who received Gold status in its recent Investors in People reaccreditation. Investors in People recognises how organisations lead, support and develop people at work.

“The report findings are a testament to the integration of our values into the environment we provide for our people, and the culture we foster”, said Kerry Mercer, UK Senior HR Business Partner. “It identified that our people see this as a business that supports career development. This is very much part of the company’s philosophy”.

We have seen a consistent upward trend in our Investors in People status.  In our UK’s 25th anniversary year, we’re delighted that our Manchester and Edinburgh offices also join Birmingham with Gold accredited status.

“The reaccreditation period spanned the pandemic and the difficulties people experienced during it. This further recognises how we support our people. Whether inside or outside our physical office locations”, added Kerry.

Investors in People accreditation

The accreditation scheme was developed by the UK Government in 1991 and has been adopted by 25 countries around the world. The accreditation process breaks down an organisation’s ambition into three key areas; leading, supporting and improving, with a further nine indicators keeping the wellbeing, encouragement, management and empowerment of people at its core.